Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Narcissitic Personality Disorder

Learn more about this disorder in this video where it explains it.

I will be posting about Narcissitic Personality Disorder. This disorder is a type of a Personality Disorder. This condition affects one percent of the population, which mean its really rare. This disorder is characterized by unwanted feelings of self importance. They have a strong feel for admiration, but they lack feelings of empathy. A person with this type of disorder constantly needs attention from everyone. They wanna feel special and superior against others.They want to believe that they have people that looks up to them. With this type of personality, they can be addressed as someone arrogant in attitudes and behavior.


  1. Haha, Oh wow I know someone in our class that might possibly have this disorder, haha no names will be revealed though :). Anyways, this disorder sounds like it could prove to be very difficult to deal with.

  2. This disorder is really interesting because society probably views these people negatively, but they do not know why they are like this. The people that are diagnosed with this could have been neglected by family and friends as a child leading to them feeling worthless. I believe instead of judging these people we should start help them in treating this disorder instead.

  3. wow I didn't know that was an disorder. I really like the video because i think everyone should think positive about the world and shouldn't think bad about it, I mean if you stop and watch things around you, you will see all the wonderful things.
