States of Consciousness
- Sleep
- Hypnosis
- Drugs
- A state of consciousness
- We are less aware of our surroundings
- Why do we daydream?
- The can help us prepare for future events
- THey can nourish our social development
- Can substitue for impulsive behavior
Fantasy Prone Personality
- Someone who imagines and recalls experiences with lifelike vividness and who spends considerable time fantasizing
Biological Rhythms
Annual Cycle : Seasonal variation
- 28 day cycles : menstrual cycle
- 24 hour cycle : Our circadian rhythm
- 90 minute cycle : sleep cycles
Circadian Rhythm
- Our 24 hour biological clock
- Our body temp and awareness changes throughout the day
Sleep Stages
- 5 identified stages of sleep
- Takes 90-100 minutes to pass through all 5 stages
- The brains waves will change according to the sleep stage you are in
- The first four stages are known as NREM
- the 5th is called REM sleep
Stage 1
- Kind of awake, kind of asleep
- Only lasts a few minutes, and you usually only experience it once a night
- Eyes begin to roll slightly
- Your brain produces theta waves ( high amplitude, low frequency (slow))
Stage 2
- This stage is part of the 90 minute cycle and occupies approximately 45-60& of sleep
- More Theta waves that get progressively slower
- Begin to show sleep spindles ( short bursts of rapid brain waves)
Stages 3 and 4
- Slow wave sleep
- you produce Delta waves
- If awaken you will be very groggy
- Vital for restoring body's growth hormones and good overall health
- May last 15-30 minutes
- It is called "slow wave" sleep because brain activity slows down dramatically from the "theta" rhythm of stage 2 to a much slower rhythm called "delta" and the height or amplitude of the waves increases dramatically
REM sleep (Stage 5)
- Rapid eye-movement
- Brain is very active
Sleeping Disorders
- Persistent problems falling asleep
- Affects 10% of the population
- Suffers from sleeplessness and may fall asleep at unpredictable or inappropriate times
- Directly into REM sleep
- Less than .001% of population
Sleep Apnea
- A person stops breathing during their sleep
- Wake up momentarily, gasps for air, then falls back to sleep
- Very common especially in heavy males
Night Terrors
- A sleep disorder characterized by high arousal and an appearance of being terrified
- Occurs in stage A, not REM, and are not often remembered
- sleepwalking is a sleep disorder affecting an estimated 10% of all humans at least once in their lives
- sleepwalking most often occurs during deep non-REM sleep (stages 3 or 4) early in the night